Radon is a radioactive gas found in all homes. The EPA reports 21,000 people die each year of lung cancer caused by radon. According to a recent Public Health Madison study (January of 2023), approximately 50% of homes in Dane County have dangerous levels of radon.

The only way to know if your home or business has an unsafe radon level is with a radon test!

Why Hire Us?

  • We test residential & commercial properties.

  • We are certified by the National Radon Protection Program.

  • We email results the same day we pick up your test.

  • We don't sell mitigation systems, so you will receive an unbiased test.

  • We are fully insured.

  • Call or text (608) 438-7831 to schedule a radon test today!

Lindsay is also a licensed REALTOR®! Click here for more information.

(Our loyalty program: If you hire Lindsay to be your Realtor®, we will refund your last radon test.)


We were interviewed by CBS News 3 regarding radon testing in schools.

We were interviewed by CBS News 3 regarding Wisconsin’s Radon Exposure Bill.