Radon is a radioactive gas found in all homes. The EPA reports 21,000 people die each year of lung cancer caused by radon. According to a recent Public Health Madison study (January of 2023), approximately 50% of homes in Dane County have dangerous levels of radon.
The only way to know if your home or business has an unsafe radon level is with a radon test!
Why Hire Us?
We test residential & commercial properties.
We are certified by the National Radon Protection Program.
We email results the same day we pick up your test.
We don't sell mitigation systems, so you will receive an unbiased test.
We are fully insured.
Call or text (608) 438-7831 to schedule a radon test today!
Lindsay is also a licensed REALTOR®! Click here for more information.
(Our loyalty program: If you hire Lindsay to be your Realtor®, we will refund your last radon test.)
We were interviewed by CBS News 3 regarding Wisconsin’s Radon Exposure Bill.